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Investor working groups

Highlighted by many of our current members as one of the most significant and valuable aspects of IIGCC membership, member working groups provide the opportunity to cover a broad range of topics and programme areas, and are inclusive and engaged communities within our membership.

Our working groups are one aspect we feel is particularly distinctive to IIGCC.

Active working groups:

Investor strategies:

  • Index investing
  • Real estate
  • Infrastructure
  • Climate solutions - renewable energy infrastructure
  • Climate solutions - other asset classes
  • Private markets (including private equity, private credit and venture capital)
  • Sovereign bonds and country pathways
  • Adaptation and resilience
  • Emerging markets
  • Just transition



  • Bondholder stewardship
  • Stewardship code
  • Proxy voting (including proxy advisors)
  • Asset owner stewardship
  • Transition research
  • Thematic engagements: Lobbying and accounting
  • Global sector strategies
  • Sectors: Autos, electric utilities, diversified mining, chemicals, industrials, oil and gas



  • UK policy
  • EU policy


Future areas of focus:

  • Nature
  • External managers