Budget / capital / allocation alignment: A clear demonstration that the budgeting actions of the country are consistent with global net zero goals (e.g. climate budget tagging, where an ambitious share of the budget is green).
Budget / capital / allocation alignment: A clear demonstration that the budgeting actions of the country are consistent with global net zero goals (e.g. climate budget tagging, where an ambitious share of the budget is green).
Emissions performance: Current absolute GHG emissions trend is at least equal to a relevant net zero pathway, or converging in a manner that is satisfactory.
Decarbonisation plan: A robust quantified plan setting out the measures that will be deployed to deliver GHG targets (LT-LEDS), and how the sovereign is enacting the policies necessary to deliver against its NDCs.
Disclosure: Comprehensive and timely disclosure of emissions (e.g. data quality, historical data, LULUCF, etc).
Targets: Short and medium term emissions reduction targets aligned with global net zero goals. These are set at the production emissions level (scope 1) and should be consistent with the Paris Agreement (NDCs).
Ambition: A long term goal consistent with the global goal of achieving net zero by 2050, as well as interim goals and targets that are coherent with it (NDCs absolute emissions targets).
Explore further IIGCC resources which offer additional guidance or information which is complimentary to the use of NZIF.
Set up to build on and extend the reach of investor engagement.
Asset managers committed to aligning investments with net zero by 2050 or sooner.
Asset owners committed to transition investments to achieve net zero by 2050 or sooner.
Helps members to effectively integrate climate risks and opportunities.