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Sovereign Bonds

Below is NZIF 2.0 implementation guidance for sovereign bonds, outlining a 5-step process to set, deliver and monitor asset level targets.

Alignment targets

  • Asset alignment target: Set a 5-year target for increasing the % of sovereign bonds allocation to issuers that are categorised as ‘aligned’ to a net zero pathway, or ‘achieving’ net zero.
  • Engagement threshold target: A threshold of financed emissions from sovereign bonds in a portfolio and undertake engagement actions with the relevant countries and territories.

As with all asset classes, the asset alignment target can be split into the five steps.

1. Setting the scope

For the asset alignment target, investors are recommended to include sovereign bonds of all maturities issued in domestic or foreign currencies. 

The asset alignment criteria applies to issuers exclusively; labelled bonds or climate-related issuances should not be allocated an alignment status. Providing that they meet external validation and safeguards, labelled bonds and other climate related issuance can be considered under the climate solutions objective.

2. Assessing alignment

Investors are recommended to develop an approach to assessing the alignment of sovereign bonds within their portfolios, while incorporating ‘fair share’ considerations in line with the Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR+RC) principles of the Paris Agreement. In doing so, investors are recommended to refrain from implementing strategies that lead to systematically rebalancing away from emissions-intensive emerging markets that are making efforts towards a fair transition.

Multiple net zero pathways have been developed on a country level which aim to consider equity elements. Investors are recommended to disclose the decarbonisation pathway used as a benchmark to assess the alignment of the sovereign bonds. 
Criteria underpinning alignment assessment
  • Green ticks represent when a criterion is required to be fulfilled for a particular alignment category to be obtained.
Committed to aligning
Aligning to a net zero pathway
Aligned to a net zero pathway
Achieving net zero

Budget / capital / allocation alignment: A clear demonstration that the budgeting actions of the country are consistent with global net zero goals (e.g. climate budget tagging, where an ambitious share of the budget is green).

Emissions performance: Current absolute GHG emissions trend is at least equal to a relevant net zero pathway, or converging in a manner that is satisfactory.

Decarbonisation plan: A robust quantified plan setting out the measures that will be deployed to deliver GHG targets (LT-LEDS), and how the sovereign is enacting the policies necessary to deliver against its NDCs.

Disclosure: Comprehensive and timely disclosure of emissions (e.g. data quality, historical data, LULUCF, etc).

Targets: Short and medium term emissions reduction targets aligned with global net zero goals. These are set at the production emissions level (scope 1) and should be consistent with the Paris Agreement (NDCs).

Ambition: A long term goal consistent with the global goal of achieving net zero by 2050, as well as interim goals and targets that are coherent with it (NDCs absolute emissions targets).


There are multiple tools available to support investors in assessing countries against the alignment criteria.

  • ASCOR: Assessment tool specifically created by investors to support sovereign engagement and investment decision-making.
  • CCPI: Ranks, rates and scores countries’ climate policies and climate performance.
  • Climate Action Tracker: Ranks countries’ climate policies and climate performance.

3. Setting the target

Once an approach to assess and classify sovereign issuers in the alignment scale has been established, investors can set a target to scale up the proportion of aligned assets:
  • A 5-year target for increasing the percentage of sovereign bonds allocation to issuers that are categorised as ‘aligned’ to a net zero pathway or ‘achieving net zero’.

4. Delivering the target

IIGCC recognises achieving net zero targets for sovereign bond portfolios will be particularly challenging. Such challenges can be disclosed by investors when setting out net zero strategies for sovereigns.

Despite the limitations, more resources are increasingly available to facilitate discussions between investors and sovereigns, and to support the delivery of an asset alignment target for sovereign bonds. These include new assessment tools and better data, improved granularity in sectoral and regional decarbonisation pathways, new opportunities to engage, and enhanced target setting and implementation guidance for sovereign bonds.

Case study

A fair assessment of governments’ transition to net zero: Ninety One’s Net Zero Sovereign Index


5. Monitoring the target

Investors are recommended to establish a process to periodically review the categorisation of sovereign issuers, at least once a year, and commit to update with any new information, such as an update to NDC commitments.

To enhance transparency, investors are recommended to disclose relevant information relating to the development of their alignment approach and setting of targets.

Useful resources

Explore further IIGCC resources which offer additional guidance or information which is complimentary to the use of NZIF.