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Net Zero Standard for oil and gas companies (September 2021)

Net Zero Standard for oil and gas companies (September 2021)

Convened by IIGCC and informed by the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI), investors representing USD 10.4 trillion have set out a standard for net zero transition plans in the oil and gas sector.

The net zero standard sets minimum expectations for what should be included in net zero transition plans from oil and gas companies, to create a level playing field in corporate reporting and meet investor expectations for credible and comparable company net zero transition plans.

The standard stresses need for comprehensive absolute and intensity emissions reduction targets, which cover all material emissions, as well as alignment of capital expenditure and production plans with a net zero target. It acknowledges ‘winding-down’ as a legitimate strategy, as well as diversifying energy offerings or working through a company’s value chain to re-shape demand.